For many people around the world, the question they ask themselves every day is, “How do I stop smoking?” Unfortunately, many of these people will never actually have the opportunity to quit. They will have one excuse or the next to purchase another pack of cigarettes. The will power to stop smoking is often weak, and buried under a lot of stress and worry. But, there are ways to get yourself off the drugs and into a great situation to improve your health.
We all know that smoking leads to many diseases. This isn’t even debatable anymore. But, what is is the method by which we can stop smoking. It is difficult in any case to learn how to stop smoking. It will take nothing short of determination to get it done. But, there are things to help you do it successfully.
You have more than likely heard of patches and pills that can help you to stop smoking slowly. In these methods, they provide the nicotine that you body craves through a safer means. Slowly, you will step down from needing two packs a day to needing only one to needing none. The gradual movement helps you to stop having to fight the temptation for more and more. It helps to keep you on the right track as well.
Another method to stop smoking is to go cold turkey. But, you will need to replace that need for nicotine with something else. In many studies, it has been found that people who stop smoking and begin exercise have a better chance of remaining smoke free. While this may not seem like something you can do, it has worked for many others. It does take a lot of dedication and determination.
Yet another way to stop smoking is often one of the most terrifying. Being faced with the consequences of what smoking can do to you may actually help you to stop. For example, those who smoke are filling their lungs with tar. You know, that stuff they put on the roads? Yes, that is what is going into your body. Take a trip to the health museum to see what it’s like. Or, if you are already too late, you may be faced with cancer already. Is this enough to get you to stop?
Unfortunately, it won’t be for many. If you want to stop smokingHealth Fitness Articles, you simply need to make the decision to do so and work hard at making that happen. You need to realize that your family and friends will suffer much more when you are not around to enjoy life with them because smoking has cut that short.
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Acupuncture is a highly effective quit smoking method for all, and specially for those people who had been unsuccessful with other methods to stop smoking...
Acupuncture is a highly effective quit smoking method for all, and specially for those people who had been unsuccessful with other methods to stop smoking. People who go for acupuncture treatments are usually keen on quit smoking beliefs. Although they have failed with all previous programs, this 3500 years old Chinese remedy promises quick relief from chronic smoking habits.
Acupuncture works most effectively on human body to reduce chronic smoking habits
Acupuncture is based on the belief that “chi”, a vital energy force flows through 12 key channels around the body. Within these channels, there are at least 365 acupuncture points, which can sometimes get blocked preventing the smooth flow of vital energy, thereby leading to chronic habits. Acupuncture for stop quit smoking does not involve any “magic” acupuncture points. At least five needles are taken and inserted into the ear [particularly in the cartilage and not in the ear canal] and a few on the hands and wrists. With the needles pricked to your skin, you are left to relax for 30 to 45 minutes. These pricked needles provide significant effect on lessening cravings for smoking.
Treatments involved in acupuncture
To become a non-smoker, you have to follow a series of sessions. These sessions also focus on physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms occurring in the patient during the acupuncture treatments. While the needle-pricking treatments are going on you are also advised to undergo treatments with herbs. You can apply a mixture of oil of cloves and wintergreen, extracts of evodia fruits and Sichuan lovage rhizomes in the acupuncture points to get faster stop smoking results.
Other advantages of acupuncture - tips on stopping smoking
Acupuncture tips on stopping smoking not only relieve you from permanent smoking cessation but also works advantageous for you. After the acupuncture series is over, even cigarettes taste foul. It takes a nasty burnt taste and you can thus proudly redefine yourself as a “non-smoker”. Acupuncture therapy for stop smoking also reduces side effects of nicotine withdrawals like depression, cravings and anxiety. While the body actually improves in blood circulation and de-congesting the lungsFree Web Content, you also start feeling truly optimistic.
Acupuncture is a definite method that helps you to quit smoking miraculously within a few days. Try it out to experience instant success even if you are a chronic nicotine-smoker.
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Decide Right Now to Believe that You CAN Quit Smoking
Studies of smokers who successfully quit smoking show that one of the most important traits of a successful quitter is their belief that they have the ability to quit smoking.
Good Reasons for Quitting Smoking, Quitting smoking is one of the most important things you will ever do:
You will live longer and live better.
Quitting will lower your chance of having a heart attack, stroke, or cancer.
If you are pregnant, quitting smoking will improve your chances of having a healthy baby.
The people you live with, especially your children, will be healthier.
You will have extra money to spend on things other than cigarettes.
Five Keys for Quitting Smoking
Studies have shown that these five steps will help you quit and quit for good. You have the best chances of quitting if you use them together:
Get ready.
Get support.
Learn new skills and behaviors.
Get medication and use it correctly.
Be prepared for relapse or difficult situations
Nicozan helps you stop smoking.
Not only will you stop smoking with Nicozan™, you will lose weight. We guarantee it. Even if you have failed before you will succeed with Nicozan™. If you are worried about weight gain, don’t be. Nicozan™ is specially formulated with one of the world’s best known weight loss aids. Nicozan™ kills the craving for nicotineScience Articles, cleanses the poisons caused by smoking from your body and eases the symptoms of withdrawal. There is no product to help you quit smoking that is more effective than Nicozan™.
Learn more at Quit Smoking.
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Numerous ways to quit smoking from stop smoking aids to laser therapy and acupuncture.
People have the ability built into them to rise and meet difficult circumstances by exercise of the will. It is not uncommon for a person to overcome a circumstance that seems insurmountable to others. In many cases, even that person cannot believe in retrospect that he was able to accomplish such a feat. Harnessing these inner powers of the will through desperation and desire has for many people turned out to be the best way to quit smoking.
One of the benefits of going through such dire circumstance and overcoming is that we develop a stronger character. We shape our mind to resist temptations. We shape our outlook towards overcoming adversities, rather than towards defeatist thoughts. Going through the pain and struggle of such a circumstance will teach us that we can endure pain and that we will come out better off on the other side. One of the things that makes this the best way to quit smoking is that we carry with us for life the knowledge of how difficult victory can be combined with the knowledge that we can overcome that level of difficulty. When other similar difficulties come along, you will remember when you overcame what seemed impossible to overcome in the past.
Though this is the best way to quit smoking, you should not expect that it will be without difficulties. You may even relapse a few times before finally defeating your smoking habit. But the good news is that the more times you fail on your way to victory, the more you will have overcome when you achieve victory.
Many people succeed in stop smoking programs using prescriptions. But many people fail on these when they forget a dose. Others find the prescription isn't strong enough and they go on a binge. Some find the prescription so strong that they never get over addiction to the prescription. Some just don't find the medications to work. Some find the side effects unbearable. Wouldn't it just be better to avoid all of these hassles and overcome by your own determination? If you do succeed through drugs, what will your course be the next time you face a difficulty originating within yourself? If you can quit through your will, your will is the best way to quit smoking. You can also find tips and advice on how to quit smoking at
You are not alone in your efforts to take control of your own will. Many people battle with smoking or other attacks on self-control. There are many resources to help people gain control of their lives and they don't all have to be about smoking to help you quit smoking. Most will-centered habit breaking programs focus on giving up your will to a higher power so that the higher power can give your will back to you. This has proven by far to be the best way to quit smoking.
There are other things that can help you as you go on your journey towards the best way to quit smoking. Acupuncture is not completely understood as a scienceFind Article, though there is a lot of philosophy about how it works. The important thing to remember is simply that it works for many people. Laser therapy and other types of light therapy are cutting edge technologies being used to treat smoking addiction without the side effects of prescriptions. The main thing to consider when using these types of cutting edge therapies to augment the best way to quit smoking is that you do your research and see only a very skilled practitioner.
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To stop smoking forever, make apt use of smoking aids available in the form of counseling sessions, stop smoking vaccination or nicotine shots in the guidance of expert.
Have you seen pole-vault jump? The jumper carries the pole in both hands at the start of the jump, gathers speed, leaps up in the air, and at a particular moment, upon reaching the top level of the jump, he leaves the pole, to jump all alone to the other side. He is the victor and he no more requires the pole. He has given up dependence on the pole, at the pinnacle of his glory. Stop smoking aids are to be treated in the same fashion. They are there to aid you. They can never be the permanent part of your personality.
What then is the permanent part of your personality? It is your strong will power to quit smoking! There is no substitute to your will power. All stop smoking aids are mere playthings in front of the glow of your will power.
The power of Nicotine is strange and great. Notwithstanding the relentless campaign against it, health warnings of all types, rising cigarette prices due to high taxation, awareness campaigns, stop smoking aids on the rampage in the market, smoking still maintains the level of popularity. Many new recruits join its bandwagon in thousands everyday. What a strange product! It celebrates funeral marches and birthday celebrations on the same day!
Thousands die every day all over the world, becoming the victims of the smoking related diseases. Thousands take up to smoking for the first time every day.
The power of your adversary is known, which only means that you have to make strong preparations to defeat him. Surrender is not the alternative. It is difficult to stop smoking, but it is possible. The target is well within your reach. The path is difficult, but there are many aids to help you en-route. Rehabilitation centers run, mostly free, by the governmental and non-governmental organizations give many therapies, lecture programs, counseling sessions to help you quit smoking.
Another important aid in terms of human resources is the support from your family members and friend circle. A friend in need is a friend indeed Isn't it? Your present urgent need is to quit smoking. Let your friends and family members create the proper environment for you to initiate and maintain your efforts to quit smoking.
Fortunately, plenty of stop smoking aids are available in the market. The cravings for nicotine can be met with these aids. Some of them are nasal sprays, inhalers, lozenges gum and nicotine patches.
They are so designed, that a small amount of nicotine is let in your bloodstreamComputer Technology Articles, so that you can get your nicotine cravings. The advantage of this type of nicotine is that they don't contain the poisonous gases and tar found in cigarettes.
Hypnotherapy is one of the popular aids to help you quit smoking. It tackles your craving at the right spot -the exact source- your sub conscious mind.
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Want to stop smoking but can't seem to get your brain to join in? Then this insightful article with a wide array of tips from many psychological fields all aimed at easing that process of becoming a non-smoker for the rest of your life is definitely for you! This article is all about using your brain to stop smoking and how to get it working for you.
Powerful Hints to Stop Smoking
Whether you are using Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Hypnosis or just Cold Turkey, these strategies and hints are for aiding you to stop smoking and are sure to assist you in helping your neurology change and thus enable you to stop smoking with ease. It is up to you to ensure that you do these things to really enhance what you are doing, the more effort you put into these exercises, the easier it is to stop smoking for good.
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 1.
Being a smoker is like cycling with stabilisers attached to the wheels, you can find it hard to be balanced without smoking. Now, when you cycle freely again, the natural balance returns.
When people smoke, more than half of what they breathe is fresh air - pulled through the cigarette right down into the lungs. So if you feel any cravings you can instantly overcome them by taking three deeper breaths. Imagine breathing from that space just below your belly button. Whenever you do this you put more oxygen into your bloodstream. This means you can use deep breaths to change the way you feel instantly and give you power over the way you feel and help you let go of those old cravings and thus making it easier to stop smoking.
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 2
Next, think now of all the reasons you don't like smoking, the reasons that it's bad and the reasons you want to stop smoking. Write down the key words on a piece of paper. For example, you experience breathlessness, it's dirty, filthy and your clothes smell, your friends and family are concerned and it's expensive, unsociable and so on. Then, on the other side of the paper, write down all the reasons why you'll feel good when you've succeeded in stopping. You'll feel healthier, youll feel in control of your self, your senses are enhanced, your hair and clothes will smell fresher and so on. Whenever you need to, look at that piece of paper.
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 3
Next, we are going to programme your mind to feel disgusted by cigarettes. I want you recall 4 times when you thought to yourself "I've gotta quit", or that you felt disgusted about smoking. Maybe you just felt really unhealthy, or your doctor told you in a particular tone of voice 'You've got to quit' or somebody you know was badly affected by smoking. Take a moment now to come up with 4 different times that you felt that you have to quit or were disgusted by smoking.
Remember each of those times, one after another, as though they are happening now. I want you to keep going through those memories and make them as vivid as possible. The more vivid you make those memories, the easier it will be to stop smoking. See what you saw, hear what you heard and feel how you felt. I want you to take a few minutes now to keep going through those memories again and again, overlap each memory with the next until you are totally and utterly disgusted by cigarettes.
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 4
Have a think to yourself about the consequences of you not stopping smoking now, if you just carry on and on. Imagine it, what will happen if you carry on smoking. What are the consequences? Imagine yourself in 6 months time, a years time, even 5 years time if you do not stop smoking now. Think of all the detrimental effects of not stopping right now and how a simple decision you make today can make such an impact on your future.
Next, imagine how much better is your life going to be when you stop smoking. Really imagine it's months from now and you successfully stopped. Smoking is a thing of the past, something you used to do. Keep that feeling with you and imagine having it tomorrow, and for the rest of next week. In your mind, imagine stepping in to that non-smoking version of you and feel how it feels to be a non-smoker.
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 5
Also, your mind is very sensitive to associations, so it's very important that you have a clear out and remove all tobacco products from your environment. Move some of the furniture in your house and at work. Smokers are accustomed to smoking in certain situations. So, for example, if you used to smoke on the telephone at work move the phone to the other side of the desk. Throw away ashtrays, old lighters and anything that you used to associate with smoking. Make your environment conducive to stopping smoking.
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 6
Smokers sometimes use their habit to give themselves little breaks during the day. Taking a break is good for you, so carry on taking that time off - but do something different. Walk round the block, have a cup of tea or drink of water, or do some of the techniques on this programme. In fact, if possible drink a lot of fruit juice. When you stop smoking the body goes through a big change. The blood sugar levels tend to fall, the digestion is slowed down and your body starts to eject the tar and poisons that have accumulated. Fresh fruit juice contains fructose which restores your blood sugar levels, vitamin C which helps clear out impurities and high levels of water and fibre to keep your digestion going. Also try to eat fruit every day for at least two weeks after you have stopped.
Also when you stop, cut your caffeine intake by half. Nicotine breaks down caffeine so without nicotine a little coffee will have a big effect. Drink 8-10 glasses of water (ideally bottled) to help wash out your system.
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 7
You were used to using cigarettes to signal to your body to release happy chemicals, so next we are going to programme some good feelings into your future. Allow yourself to fully remember now a time when you felt very deep ecstasy, pleasure or bliss, right now. Take a moment to recall it as vividly as possible. Remember that time - see what you saw, hear what you heard and feel how good you felt. Where abouts in your body were those feelings, imagine turning them up and spreading them through your body to make them more intense.
Keep going through the memory, as soon as it finishes, go through it again and again, all the time squeezing your thumb and finger together. In your mind, make those images big and bright, sounds loud and harmonious and feelings strong and intensified. We are making an associational link between the squeeze of your fingers and that good feeling.
Okay, stop and relax. Now if you have done that correctly when you squeeze your thumb and finger together you should feel that good feeling again. Go ahead do that now, squeeze thumb and finger and remember that good feeling.
Now we're going to programme good feelings to happen automatically whenever you are in a situation where you used to smoke but now you stop smoking.
So, next I'd like you to squeeze your thumb and finger together, get that good feeling going and now imagine being in several situations where you would have smoked, but being there feeling great without a cigarette. See what you'll see hear and take that good feeling into those situations without a need for a cigarette.
Imagine being in a situation where someone offers you a cigarette and you confidently say 'No thanks, I don't smoke'. And feel fantastic about it!
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 8
Get social support. Your commitment to stopping smoking for the rest of your life can be made much easier by talking about it to friends and family and letting them support you. They will congratulate you on doing so well too! You really did stop smoking.
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 9
Be aware of making excuses for yourself. Some people talk themselves into smoking, especially if they encounter a stressful situation and in the past they used to deal with it by smoking. If those old thoughts pop into your head, shout the word STOP in your head, to stop the thoughts from progressing. Nicotine just stresses your body more and is like that itch that can never be properly scratched; the more you smoke, the more you have to. So say STOP and steer clear of old slippery slopes.
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 10
Reward yourself. Congratulate yourself. Feel how good it feels to stop smoking and be a non-smoker. Treat yourself each time you get past a certain milestone; the first week or first month, the six month target. Let yourself know that you did something really special here.
Keep on using your brain, stretching it and helping your self, by running through these exercises time after time; you are sure to be able to make it easier and easier and successfully stop smoking for good.
Visit here for a free mini-series on how to stop smoking, delivered to you by email.
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Stop smoking laser treatment is a well know method since over 20 years. It is a common practice designed for people trying to quit smoking...
Stop smoking laser treatment is a well know method since over 20 years. It is a common practice designed for people trying to quit smoking.
Stop smoking laser therapy is based on the ancient acupuncture. In ancient times, people used needles to stimulate certain points of the human body and thus stimulate hormone secretion. Nowadays low-level lasers substitute the needles. The laser stimulates the nerve endings and increases the endorphin secretion.
Laser therapy is completely painless. Most people describe the feeling as a warming, even tingling feeling. After each session, people feel relaxed and happier. Their smoking cravings are greatly reduced and the depression that goes along with the ceasing process is gone.
Prices for Stop smoking laser therapy are relatively low nowadays. The costs may vary of course but they are usually about $500. If you calculate how much money you are spending on cigarettes, you will see that the cost of the laser treatment is neglectfully low. Moreover, smoking damages your health so badly that you will need a great amount of money to try repair the damages later.
Any stop smoking laser therapy has two stages. The first stage is meant to help detoxification. This usually happens within the first two days of the therapy. During the rest of the course, the lasers are used to reduce he depression rate and the nicotine cravings.
Laser treatment is a non-medical procedure. However, it is not considered appropriate for people who experience specific medical conditions. Pregnant women, people suffering from epilepsy or cancer are not suitable for a stop smoking laser treatment. You should always consult your therapist before undertaking stop smoking laser treatment. If this treatment turns to be inappropriate for you your doctor will be able to prescribe you other medication to help you quit smoking.
It is important to remember is that stop smoking laser treatment does not guarantee that you will actually quit smoking. Smoking habit has two faces ¨C physiological (your body is accustomed to certain substances found in cigarettes¡¯ smoke) and the psychological (connected with your perception of smoking, your habits and lifestyle). Laser therapy can help reduce the physical symptoms of the smoking habit. The rest ¨C you should fight yourself. Stop smoking laser treatment can give excellent results if combined with a behavior treatmentHealth Fitness Articles, more exercising and the support you can get from your family and friends. The good thing about it is that it is a non-medical treatment so you will not need to take any medications
Rene's website helps light and heavy smokers to quit smoking forever.
Please visit the site for more information on Stop Smoking Laser
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Tobacco smoking is the primary cause of preventable death in the world. Every year, thousands of Americans are diagnosed with lung cancer that was brought about specifically from smoking. Most smokers are bombarded with reasons to quit smoking every day, and there are hundreds of stop smoking tips, quit smoking aids and quit smoking support groups. However, none of the ways to quit smoking can work for you if you are not ready to give up your habit. Knowing what tobacco smoking does to you can help you make up your mind to begin your trek toward a healthier life.
People Should Smoking Stop Why? Faith can move mountains...
Tobacco smoking is perhaps the worst thing you could do to your body. There have been a variety of studies that demonstrate that smoking shortens your life by six minutes for every cigarette you smoke. When you think about this in terms of packs a day, you are shortening your life by two hours for every pack of cigarettes you smoke. That is quite a forgoing to make just for smoking.
A person with some doubt but taking action is better than one with no doubt taking no action. Michael E. Angier
Another argument to quit tobacco smoking is that it is costly. Cigarette prices are always on the rise as more and more sin taxes are added. In states such as New York, one pack of cigarettes can cost more than seven dollars. If you add up all of that money, a pack a day smoker could save more than two thousand dollars a year if he or she quit smoking.
Tobacco smoking persons are also twice as expected to have heart attacks than non-smokers. They are also five times as likely to die from these heart attacks than those who do not smoke or who quit smoking at a youthful age. Tobacco smoking stops circulation in some individuals, and this can lead to stroke. In fact, smokers are five times more likely to suffer strokes than non-smokers. This is noticeably perilous if you are taking birth control pills, as the risk for stroke is even larger, especially if you are over the age of thirty.
The most dangerous part of tobacco smoking, however, is what it can do to your lungs. Smoking is leading cause of lung cancer in the world. Though non-smokers can also get lung cancer, smokers greatly increase their chances beyond those of non-smoking individuals. Smokers are also at risk for formation emphysema, an incurable breathing disease.
Actions speak louder than words. But without thought and focus those actions are like a meandering river. Michael Ross.
Though tobacco smoking causes some irreversible damage, there is good advice for those who decide to quit smoking. It only takes ten years after you stop smoking before you lungs return to normal. This means that if you stop smoking now, you can have a new lease on life within ten years. In summationFree Reprint Articles, the immediate effects of stopping smoking are even more exciting.
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For the person who is smoking the effects of smoking are not that apparent. At first glance there appears to be enjoyment and a sense of relaxation. However once these individuals know what smoking can do to a person’s body, they start looking for ways to stop. In particular they start looking for ways to stop smoking.
By stopping the habit of smoking these individuals can ensure that they are beginning to live a healthier life. This is because by taking the decision to stop smoking they are already repairing the damage that was inflicted by the nicotine.
You will find that the numerous ways to quit smoking all have to do with distancing the need to have this nicotine based product. The more known ways will include placing nicotine patches on your body, in particular on your upper arm. The sensations which are produced by this patch are designed to deaden your response to nicotine.
Another way to help you with quitting smoking is to join a support group. These people will have all of the experience of going through the trauma of quitting smoking. You will be able to ask for help from these support groups. Of course these are ways to quit smoking which have partial effect.
These methods address the outward habit the smokers have towards cigarettes. It does not however address the mind. Now as this is the section of the addiction problem that needs to be addressed you will find ways to quit smoking which deal with the subconscious. These methods will cost more than the usual ways but they have more of an effect.
While the other ways to quit smoking merely address the chemical reaction which occurs in the body when you are smokingFind Article, the methods of hypnosis and laser treatment. In the hypnosis method of quitting smoking the hypnotist will use your subconscious mind to see why you have first of all gotten hooked onto smoking.
Once the cause has been found out you will then be given treatment so that you can stop smoking. One of the other ways to quit smoking can be found in laser treatment. The treatment in soft laser therapy will allow you an easy way to quit your smoking habit.
With all of these ways to quit smoking you can be assured that you have a good chance of kicking your smoking for good. Now the only thing left for you to do is to choose one of the many ways to quit smoking for good.
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